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Compassionate, Free Help for Veterans with PTSD

soldierYou’ve seen the strained look on her face.  She’s far away.  She doesn’t sleep well and sits around all day doing nothing.  She’s always tired.  You’ve invited her to the things she loves doing, but she never feels like doing them anymore.  Sometimes she yells a lot—really overreacts.  But when you ask her what’s wrong, she denies any problems.

You’re happy she is back from Iraq, but you thought it would be different.  You thought you could get back to normal.

You thought that having her home safe would make both of you happy again.  She’s not at war anymore—why is she acting this way?

Your loved one may have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Many veterans suffer from PTSD.  The Veterans Administration (VA) reports that as many as 11-20% of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have it.  Common war traumas include having been shot at, having seen someone shot or having seen death, but another cause of PTSD in veterans is military sexual trauma (MST).  According to the VA, 23% of women in the military report sexual assault.

These numbers are scary but the good news is that there is help.  There are even free clinics that provide acupuncture. continue reading »

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What Are Your Acupuncture Questions?

hand-acuQuestions?  Comments?  Concerns?

Normally I use this blog to tell you a little about my favorite topics, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture and natural health.  But today I want to do something different.

I want to learn more about you.

Today I want to know what your concerns and questions are.

Ask me anything, basic or complicated.  Ask about TCM, acupuncture or general health.  Ask about injuries, illness or disease.  Whatever is on your mind, ask the question.

Contact me here, and I’ll reply to your questions as soon as I can.

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The Secrets of Acupuncture for Children: Getting Kids to Love Acupuncture Needles

family-acupunctureAcupuncture is great for children.

Children are very responsive to the acupuncture needles and often show great improvement after a treatment.   Acupuncture is fantastic for many childhood illnesses like coughs, fevers, ear infections, bed wetting, digestive issues, colic, allergies, ADD and ADHD.  And more and more research proves that acupuncture is safe for kids.

But many parents worry that their kids will hate the needles.  They want to avoid a treatment that is traumatic and difficult.

How do you give a child a treatment which they may not like?

The answer is that you do it kid style. continue reading »

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More than Needles: 3 Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapies You Can Do at Home

Baduanjin_qigong_smIf you asked the average person how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) keeps you healthy, they would probably answer that it uses acupuncture needles.

That is a good start.

TCM is a complex understanding of how Qi, or life force, affects your health.  Qi flows through meridians passing through points which can be used to regulate and control that flow.  When the flow of Qi increases, decreases or its quality changes, your health is affected.  The most common way to manage the flow of Qi is with acupuncture needles.

But TCM is much more than needles.

In the second part of our two-part series “More than Needles,” you will learn three ways to keep yourself healthy using Traditional Chinese Medicine principles at home.  By using these techniques in your daily life, you will be in charge of your health. continue reading »

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The Surprising Truth about Migraine Triggers

migraineHow much do you really know about controlling your migraines?

New research suggests you may not know as much as you think.

According to Timothy T. Houle, Ph.D and co-author Dana P. Turner, M.S.P.H., both of the Wake Forest Baptist anesthesiology department, migraine sufferers make inaccurate conclusions about what triggers their migraines.  Houle and Turner conducted a 3-month study of 9 women who suffered from migraines.  They tracked the women’s hormone levels, their stress levels and the weather.  The women kept daily diaries.  At the end of the study, the scientists could not accurately predict which triggers would cause a migraine.

Their conclusion—most people can’t isolate the many complex variables in everyday life to accurately determine their migraine triggers.

So what can you do?  Can you start eating anything you want?  Do you give up managing your migraines?

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